Tie-dyed nails, otherwise known as water marbling, have been around for the last few years, but it’s notoriously difficult to get the bright results seen here (on many pictures we’ve seen, the color looks washed out or not as crisp.) Want to try your luck? We sat through countless YouTube tutorials to piece together the best method. Here’s how to do it:
-Put vaseline on your fingers and cuticles, but not on your nails (It keeps the lacquer from sticking to your fingers.) Some people also recommend tape. We bet Liquid Palisade would work for this, too.
-Fill a shallow bowl with water and drip in the color combination you want. It really only takes a few drops of each color.
-Swirl the polish with a toothpick to get the desired effect.
-Dip fingertips in and soak for a minute or two to let the polish really stick. If you really want to be anal, do one finger at a time, and add more polish to the water as needed.
-Pull your fingers out, let excess water dry, then cover with a top coat.

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