Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Ready for Marriage | Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Ready for Marriage
According to OK! Magazine, the wedding is now being planned because the two Hollywood stars have been able to "bury their differences" after six years of being together publicly and building a family. The couple are once again planning to marry
before the arrival of their twin boys. "They had an amazing time Oscar
weekend," says a confidante, who adds, "since then, they've been madly
in love."
On March 3, it was a happy domestic scene once again as the pair of
A-listers were spotted in L.A. while going through a McDonald's
drive-through with their kids. Brad, 48, who was driving, paid and passed lunch to a smiling Angelina,
36, to distribute to the kids seated in the rear of their vehicle. It's
a good sign that they're going through with the nuptials.
Angie is expecting twins this fall, so it is making
them feel a time crunch. They decided they'd both like to welcome their
twin boys to the world as man and wife, which means the wedding has to
happen fairly soon. They've both realized how much they want to be
Despite the tabloid rumors' lack of credibility- they reported that
the couple had secretly married, were rushing to marry to spite Jennifer
Aniston, and reported on a false Aniston wedding in 2011- there is
evidence that there is pressure for the two get hitched.
Jolie told "Nightline" in December of 2011 that her children had asked when she and Pitt would be married.
"They have asked … yeah, because … people get married in the movies,"
said the actress. She also said she tried to explain to them how she
and Pitt could be committed without actually being married.
explained to them that our commitment, when we decided to start a
family, was the greatest commitment you could possibly have," Jolie
said. "Once you have six children, you're committed."

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