How to Prevent Diabetes for Prediabetes | How to Prevent Diabetes for Prediabetes. In the year 2030 the world’s estimated number of people with diabetes to 450 million people. Diabetes is chronic disease that is progressive with extensive complications. Complications of diabetes can cause problems in blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, heart and infections of the foot.
In an effort to prevent diabetes, is often misunderstood by reducing the consumption of refined sugar and reduced high calorie foods . This opinion is not entirely wrong, but if we have multiple risk factors to prevent diabetes will require a more comprehensive prevention.
Lifestyle changes
To prevent the rise in blood sugar above normal, the American diabetes association recommends regular exercise and diet by adding more fiber from fruits and vegetables, maintaining ideal body weight, reduce trans fats as well as stopping smoking and alcohol consumption.
Adequate sleep also indirectly affect to blood sugar levels. When someone is sleep deprived the production hormone cortisol will increase thus affect on insulin levels. The ideal sleep about 7 hours a day.
For those of you who have diabetes risk factors such as overweight, has family history of diabetes, age over 45 years and less physical activity are strongly advised to conduct medical check-up especially check blood sugar levels.
By monitoring blood sugar, the state of prediabetes can be known early and management can be done to restore blood sugar levels to within normal limits, so prediabetes does not lead to diabetes. Research shows that you can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes by 58% by Losing 7% of your body weight and Exercising moderately
Diabetes prevention and control measures.
If your blood sugar to rise or even have already been diagnosed with diabetes, don’t panic. Diabetes patient can have a good quality of life and longevity if you are able to control blood sugar levels to remain as close as possible to normal conditions.
Diabetes is dangerous and becoming the world’s problems but also not difficult to control. The following are the steps to prevent and control diabetes.
1. Moderate Exercise
The recommended exercise is at least 30 minutes and 5 times a week. Enough with moderate exercise you can get a variety of benefits. The benefits of exercise are reduce excess weight, improve immunity, lower blood sugar, reduce cholesterol and burn excess fat.
2. Shed some weight with healthy diet
Healthy diet can prevent us to various diseases including the prevent us from diabetes. As mentioned above just by Losing 7% of your body risk for type 2 diabetes lower by 58%.
This diet is tailored to the needs of the body, but an outline is to eat foods that have a low glycemic index so that the sugar and fat does not accumulate in the blood. Eat on time to keep the rhythm to keep blood sugar levels.
3. Always monitor blood sugar
High blood sugar can cause long term damage to vital organs such as stroke, kidney failure, heart disease, blindness, etc. While the blood sugar is too low can lead to fainting or even if blood sugar drops too drastically can cause death. To prevent this, diabetics should check their blood sugar regularly at the health center and check yourself.
4. Actively seeking information about diabetes and its control
Many Prediabetes and diabetics patients who are not informed about the ins and outs of health problems they are facing. Lack of knowledge can cause people with prediabetes progress to diabetes and many diabetic patients experience worsening and complications.
5. Take medicine regularly and follow your doctor’s advice.
because diabetes is a chronic disease, compliance and adherence to taking medication is needed so you have a better quality of life.

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