Top 6 Best Android Apps | Top 6 Best Android Apps. Android leads the way when it comes to free apps, with more available than on any other platform. But what about the paid apps? Which ones are really worth you splashing the cash for?
Pocket Casts
MyBackup Pro
Backing up your Android data is crucial to ensuring continued productivity and MyBackup Pro lets you backup ‘all’ of your data to an online server or an expansion card. Backups can be scheduled and the entire process is invisible once you have set it up.
Anti-Virus Pro
The threat of viruses to mobile devices is increasing all of the time and it should be common sense to take some precautions. Anti-Virus Pro will protect your phone or tablet and not intrude on your daily tasks. It can even undertake full backups of your data.
SPB Shell 3D
There are many apps that will change the way an Android smartphone looks and works, but few go to the extremes that SPB Shell 3D does. It looks incredibly polished and adds much functionality that will help you use your device more efficiently
SlideIT Keyboard
The standard Android keyboard doesn’t work well for everyone and this is why SlideIT Keyboard is a great alternative. You never need to take your finger from the screen and with practice, you can be achieving quicker data input speeds than ever before.
Quickoffice Pro
There are often not enough minutes in the day and any tool that can make you more productive is worth considering. Quickoffice Pro brings desktop-level functionality to the mobile world and supports all of the latest Office document file formats.

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