Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b6 and jailbreak iOS 5.1 | Download Redsn0w 0.9.10b6 and jailbreak iOS 5.1 If for some reason you have already installed the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system and have decided that you want to break free from Apple’s grasp, you’ll be very interested to hear that a jailbreak solution is now available for iOS 5.1.
Earlier on this week we told you that iOS 5.1 had just gone live along with the unveiling of Apple’s third generation iPad. A jailbreak wasn’t available the moment iOS 5.1 but live, but hackers have once again found a way to bypass Apple’s latest release, although it isn’t a untethered jailbreak if that’s what you’re after.
Instead it’s an improved tethered version of Redsn0w which now stands at version 0.9.10b6. At the moment this jailbreak is compatible with Apple A4 devices only, which means that only the likes of the iPhone 4, iPod Touch and original iPad are supported. If you have an iPhone 4S running iOS 5.1 at the moment, don’t bother attempting to install this as you’ll probably end up with a bricked device.
One word of warning to those that are planning to try this out – eBooks doesn’t work at the moment so avoid this if you use this feature on your device regularly. If you’re looking to jailbreak iOS 5.1 as soon as possible, you’ll find the instructions and download links over at the iPhone Dev Team blog here.It’s pretty ridiculous at the speed of which these jailbreaks now come out after Apple has released a new version of iOS. At the moment, the iPhone 4S is locked on iOS 5.1, but how long will it be until the latest version falls victim to RedSn0w as well? Let us know if you plan to jailbreak your device on iOS 5.1, or if you’re waiting for a jailbreak on the iPhone 4S or iPad 2.

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